Junk Removal in Palm Springs

Junk Boss is here to make junk removal in Palm Springs easy for you!

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Who Is Junk Boss?

Junk Boss is locally-owned and operated in West Palm Beach, FL. We serve Palm Beach County with pride and we’re happy to provide the best junk removal in Palm Springs. No matter where you are in the village, we can help! We offer prompt and professional service to every job we do!

Junk We Remove

When it comes to Palm Springs junk removal, Junk Boss is ready to serve. We take junk of all kinds. For instance, we can remove furniture, appliances, mattresses, hot tubs, and more! So if you’re ready to get rid of that junk once and for all, then give Junk Boss a call!

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

We make it easy to get started! Once you’ve chosen Junk Boss for the job, then it’s time to schedule your appointment. You can do this online using our Book Now system. Of course, we are always happy to take your call. Simply dial (561) 802-0020 to speak with a member of our team. We’ll get you on the books and you’ll be one step closer to getting rid of your old junk!

We look forward to serving you!


Just Call (561) 944-6670 or Email junkbossflinfo@gmail.com for Your Instant Services Quote Today!

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